Unravelling the emotional web of conflict.
Family change can be heart wrenching, difficult and unwanted.
To get to a better place people need clearheaded advice, rational thought, and emotional support.

Glenda Lux, M.A., R. Psych.
has been in clinical practice since 2001 working with parents, children and families. She is a Registered Psychologist with an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Calgary and a graduate degree in Counselling Psychology from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington.
Ms. Lux has specialized training and experience in working with couples and their families as they go through divorce and post-divorce. Ms. Lux provides divorce-related forensic services such as parent mediation, parent coordination, co-parenting counselling, reunification therapy, psychological testing, parenting-time/parenting responsibility assessments (PN8), parental fitness evaluations and litigation support. She has published in the area of coercive control and its relevance to best interest determinations in Canadian family law.
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